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Topic : Re: I have three dead-end chapters. Should I keep them or remove them? The protagonist in my story decides to research a topic. Naturally, I wanted her to encounter some obstacles first, so I arranged -

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(Disclaimer: I'm not a writer…)

Is it possible that some readers don't see the point of those chapters because they don't have a lasting effect on the story?

If so, then the solution may be to give them a lasting effect on the story; most obviously, on the main character.  Show her frustration increasing with each failure.  Perhaps show some collateral damage that that has on her life outside this particular quest.  Or maybe she gains some useful knowledge or experience from each failure, that she can use later.  Or you introduce important characters or ideas.

However you do it, I'd suggest making those chapters necessary to the story somehow; to reach the point later on where the story would be different (and not as good) had they not happened.  That way, readers may come to forgive the lack of progress on the main plot-line.

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