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Topic : Re: Does dialogue need to be accurate to the setting? I am currently writing a story that is set in pre-WWI USA/America. I do not mind conducting research about the locations and the time. I -

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As someone who has always hated research, and only reluctantly accepted the irreplaceable necessity of it, I have to ask: Why set it in a time and place you already know you won't be able to evoke accurately?

Could you recast this as a story in a less-specified setting loosely based on pre-WWI USA instead? I've read plenty of successful books where the exact time and place aren't quite pinned down, and may never have actually existed (as presented).

If you do want to use this time and place and make it at all authentic, there's no substitute for the research --however, it doesn't necessarily have to be onerous. There's not a ton of surviving pre-WWI films, but those that still exist are pretty widely and freely available, take advantage of them. There are also writer's guides written specifically for people like you.

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