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Topic : Re: Is it really so "impossible" to get published by a traditional publisher? I was an avid reader in my early years (as in hard copy - books), and I still am (just now via computer)... and -

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Sometimes, it is a pleasant reading, how to attract and keep reader's attention, comparing this to a some sort of thought transference or even magic. But it has nothing in common with being published in "standard way".

Reader is not a writer's customer, definitely. Reader is a bookseller's customer. Bookseller is a publisher's customer. And publisher is a writer's customer. Reader is not purchasing quality product, reader will pay for well-marketed product. Publishers and booksellers do marketing, they state what is worth paying for. This is an open secret and we have to repeat it - again and again - till we are blue in the face. (With all respect, It makes me wonder if Mr. King's novels would be so successfull without the barrage of marketers.)

So we need to decide for either we want to write to earn our daily bread (and - possibly - become rich and famous) or wheter there is an inner urge making us to write. At least, when this decision is made, we should be set free from an - maybe - existential dilemma.

Want to being published? Be nice to publishers. Being infamous and "controversial person" would help. Want to being read decades after your death? Forget about making money by writing. Mrs. Rowling, Mr. King or Mr. Brown are just exceptions proving the rule. (They are still alive, I guess.)

So that's it.

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