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Topic : Re: How to stop rushing writing I get caught up a lot in what I'm writing and I'm interested in writing a particular scene, but the scene might be chapters away. I don't like writing it before -

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I have this problem myself, and I've finally realized it's not the root problem, it's a symptom of a deeper issue: I'm goal-focused as a writer, but I need to be process-focused in order to produce the kind of writing I want. In other words, I'm rushing towards a goal --finishing a book!--, but not really enjoying the time spent along the way.

The great artists I know have goals, plenty of them, and yes, ambitions too, but when it comes to their art, they are willing to spend whatever time it takes, because they enjoy the process. That's what gives their writing (or art, or music, or whatever) that depth and richness we all crave.

So instead of rushing to get words down on a page, or to just finish a book (that might not be worth reading, at the end of it all!), find something to love in each scene and each sentence. For me, learning this involved completing far too many books that no one else ever wanted to read. I now realize that all my rushing towards the goal isn't getting me anywhere I want to go. It's better-- and paradoxically, more efficient, in the long run --to spend the time now, and make it great.

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