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Topic : Re: How does a heroine who is always in trouble, not realize she is always in trouble? A complicated anti-heroine? I have a power-seeking guile heroine from tumultuous circumstances who always gets -

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I would have her planning one huge con that could set her up for life, but she needs experience. These earlier cons might be stepping stones, which occasionally heat up and she always manages to escape. She is looking for that whale that might even be talked about but could certainly allow her to leave the life should she choose. Until then, it is keep your eye on the big picture and move toward your future.

Maybe she thinks that the hero is just another mark who has a convenient habit of being her white knight. She resents the damsel in distress idea because she is certain her own wits are more than enough to get her out of the trouble she encountered.

She might be unaware of his efforts and believe it is just luck and she has the catlike ability of always landing on her feet.

She doesn’t think that what she is doing is wrong, it is just another way to make a living in a harsh world. She believes that violence is wrong, but if people are foolish enough to give her money then so be it.

The ability to read other people is essential to her success as she must know what the other person wants and needs in order to create a false truth which the listener will believe. It must fit the circumstances she observes. She can be brilliant at it and still not see herself clearly.

She avoids introspection as a waste of time and focuses on those around her. She might begin to wonder at the amazing run of luck she’s had and come to believe that the marks are just an unlucky lot, not noticing the connection.

The how? I would have her observe her marks, studying them before ever they realize she is there. She will have all of the answers to their objections before ever they think of objecting. She will be smooth.

The reader and the hero will see that she causes all of the trouble. She does not have to notice that for quite a while. Just have her focus on other things and show other aspects of her so we understand why the hero cares so much about this bad seed.

Was she kind to a neighbor of his? Kind to him? Probably for her own reasons, but even so, some acts of kindness can be genuine. She is severely damaged, but not utterly destroyed.

Can she be redeemed? Not unless she wakes up to her reality and chooses to change. Not likely. Show why the hero thought that she was worth the trouble, worth his efforts. There must be some glimmer of good that he thinks he sees though he might be mistaken.

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