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Topic : Re: How do I draw attention to a girl's chest without making it overly lewd? So, I have a group of main characters, and the current viewpoint character is going to introduce a... very well-endowed -

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I'm thinking of two factors to keep in mind:

1) consider the reasons why you need to describe those details. How do they enrich the scene? What do they tell about the characters involved? and so on. By doing so, you will make sure that every word you'll choose will be fit to the scene.

2) consider the characters involved: who they are, what do they usually think, what are their emotions. Did they ever see such a woman? Is it the first time? Are they someone who usually stare a woman's body or not? and so on. By doing this, you will make sure that the description is apt to the character and not to just yourself, or the reader.

I believe these two approaches will help you to make your scene sound "real": after that, you won't have to worry about sounding lewd, or gross, or etc.

I hope this helps :)

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