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Topic : Re: Is there a Market for Poetry with a Fixed Verse Form I find that when I structure my poetry according to an accepted form such as a villanelle, sestina, or sonnet I am able to think more -

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I think the real question should be whether or not there is a market for poetry in general. The structure is really up to the poet, but you need to keep in mind that the reader has to be able to understand it. If you do it just to be different, you risk putting off some people. However, as it was stated already, if you have a reason for it and the reader can discern that reason, then you may end up with a larger fan base.

Having said that, I have published eight books of poetry, and while I don't sell a whole lot, I have managed to sell some of each. in addition to that, I have gotten lots of favorable feedback and excellent reviews. I don't follow a consistent structure in any of my books. Instead, I have a wide mixture of different poetry forms. Some are rhymed, some are not. I think that by having a variety I have a better chance of reaching more people. Even if they don't like some, there is a greater chance they will like others.

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