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Topic : Re: How best to recover from catastrophic text loss? This morning I had an accidental select all delete followed by auto save, which prevented me from just hitting undo. My novel became an empty -

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The French Revolution: A History, by Thomas Carlyle, was a completed draft (at least, volume 1 was) when his friend's maid mistakenly burned the manuscript. Carlyle completely rewrote the book. It (the re-written book) made his reputation.

Okay, so maybe Carlyle isn't as well known as he was 100 years ago, but the lesson stands. If you have the energy to rewrite, it's quite possible that your second version of the lost text will be better. You've figured a bunch out, about action, characters, plotting... Now just [re]write!

Or, if you're utterly depressed over the loss, you could set aside that work, write something else, and maybe come back to your current project later. However you rewrite (following an outline of what was lost, or asking yourself it there's a better direction to take the story in), make this an opportunity to make your creation even richer.

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