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Topic : Re: Quote at the beginning of a chapter, is it advisable for fiction novels? I have read a few non-fiction works (mostly scientific) where there is a quote at the beginning of each new chapter. -

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When this is done well the quotes are almost always made up by the author and are quoting someone in the world of the book or are exerts from a diary or are news bulletins etc.

The purpose of them is to give snippets of insight into the world, show things that are happening or bits of history or character background that help set the scene. It is a way to add flavour and depth for those that care while letting those who don't skip over it. For example the book I just finished reading had a section of the lead character's father's diary or from their holy book or similar at the start of each chapter to help flesh out the world.

If it fits into your personal style then go for it, but don't try to force it if it doesn't.

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