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Topic : Re: Quote at the beginning of a chapter, is it advisable for fiction novels? I have read a few non-fiction works (mostly scientific) where there is a quote at the beginning of each new chapter. -

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If you are clever enough, do it. I wrote a trilogy where I put a quote at the start of every chapter. The quotes were relevant to the theme or action of the chapter, but also carried a second purpose: they were quotes from works of great literature being read by a literature professor to help her through her grief. She was reading them in the hospital to her comatose husband. Her reading of those words entered into his consciousness and influenced his adventures in the realm of the dead as he fought his way back to the world of the living. I just didn't tell the reader of the connection until near the end of the story. She was his guide to safety, like Beatrice in Dante's Inferno. Since Dante was a major influence on my story, it fit. Don't just do it for stylistic reasons; make sure it fits the tale.

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