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Topic : Re: Ideas for short story - not sure how to proceed I don't want to take a break from writing my novel, but this other idea for a zombie apocalypse short story keeps invading my brain. The -

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I would tell someone about the story.

Tell your partner or friend or your writing group. Just be sure to do it in writing. Or record your voice if you prefer that. Email, text message, handwriting, whatever works. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.

Get it down then make a promise that you will get back to it.

It's fine for some people to say they wouldn't forget a really good idea, but I doubt that's true for the majority. At least not the details. If it's intruding on your brain, it's doing that for a reason. Put it aside in a way where you can get back to it later. Just the same as you might add an entry to your calendar so you could allow yourself to stop thinking about a task you need to complete by the end of the week.

Then keep your promise. Dig out that email (etc) and do it justice.

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