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Topic : Re: Planning story using layers, compartmentalization, and time Plot, environment, characters, each one is a layer in a story. Each layer is also a compartment for further layers that are internally -

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You might find Scrivener to be useful. Scrivener is a writing program which allows you a lot of control: organization, nesting files inside folders inside folders, tags, summaries, highlights, links, snapshots of individual bits of writing, and so on.

If you want to be able to recreate a lost project from an outline, you simply have to have a very detailed outline. Sci-fi writer Diane Duane lost an enormous chunk of her novel Spock's World very shortly before deadline, but was able to rewrite the entire thing in an insane 10-day sprint because her outline was at the level you describe. That outline could be in Scrivener, Word, a spreadsheet, crayon, or coal on the back of a shovel.

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