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Topic : Re: How to write a memorial plaque? I've been tasked with drafting the text for a memorial plaque dedicated to group X. Group X was big, diverse, and had several hundred years of rich history. -

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We remember them.

A common refrain in Jewish memorials. The idea that a person's existence counted and we will remember the person and focus on that.

Say her name. Say his name.

A modern, secular, version.

Of course you can't say their names in 2-3 sentences. Perhaps they will be named elsewhere on the memorial (that's a very common thing as well). But you can name their group. Did they all come from the same town? Was their history shared or do you mean they had their own individual histories? Were they all Rabbis? Or all people who had family who survived and immigrated to Israel?

Whatever it is, name it. Name what makes them special (and they are special in this way or there wouldn't be a memorial in the first place).

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