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Topic : Re: How can I get readers to accept more than 1 "buy" in worldbuilding? An alternative "Occult Universe" I open my occult detective novel in what is ostensibly a "noir" style, but through worldbuilding -

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In the comments, it seems as if you are determined to have this story stand on its own without relying on an understanding of genre elements. This is commendable, but if that is your goal, you need to cut out every single bit of worldbuilding that does not serve the plot.

Let me say this again: Remove every single bit of worldbuilding that does not serve the plot.

If you are writing for genre readers, the worldbuilding is part of the expectations and the enjoyment of the work. I quite enjoy genre fiction, and would certainly be intrigued by this world simply for the interesting take on steampunk (or an occult version, as it were). There is a basic familiarity with the concept of steampunk amongst many genre readers that would likely lead to a greater enjoyment of a new take on it.

However, if your goal is primarily to have a noir detective story, and to have it appeal to mainstream audiences, the worldbuilding needs to be thoroughly pared down. (Actually, I would recommend this in most situations, anyway.) The plot needs to be first and foremost, and the world-building must serve the plot, not the other way around; it's a novel, not a Disney ride.

You can certainly keep the paranormal aspects, as long as they serve the plot. Based on what you've written here, however, it seems like the beta readers are getting distracted by it. You don't have an 800 pound gorilla; you have a Chekov's Nuclear Bomb that never gets explained, much less detonated.

Basically: either bring the aether-based technology further into the plot, or cut out all the bits that don't serve the plot. This advice isn't specific to worldbuilding; it's the same thing I would advise to anyone with superfluous details. If it doesn't drive the plot forward, put it in a document of "Really Cool Stuff", and remove it from the main story.

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