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Topic : Re: Will it be accepted, if there is no ''Main Character" stereotype? There is a character in every story. Special One. It becomes the center of the story. i.e. the Main character. The author -

10% popularity

I think there are a lot of good answers in here. My two cents:

The focus of an engaging story is a conflict. The conflict is your "main character" so to speak. But a conflict has no "face" - it needs a vehicle. The easiest vehicle is at least a single person who is faced with that conflict, because we all can relate to that. We all must resolve, or fail to resolve, or cope with, conflicts throughout our lives - big and small.

But there is no rule that says the conflict can't be shared by a group of people all dealing with it in their own way.

The usual "big three" forms of conflict are: "Person vs Self," (Breaking Bad) "Person vs Person," (Game of Thrones) or "Person vs Nature" (Jaws), and they aren't mutually exclusive - lots of complex stories use all three but one usually dominates. The conflict is represented by "vs" and the character(s) are represented by those on either or both sides of the equation. The person doesn't even need to be human, but in stories where it's a dog (A Dog's Way Home) or a robot or whatever, the subject is anthropomorphized so that the audience can relate. The MAIN character, then, is generally whomever gets the most narrative. It is not necessarily someone who is armed with any help. Sometimes the best stories are ones in which the subject is armed with nothing at all and must still defeat (or at least survive) the conflict. But if a group of people get equal narrative time then the "Entourage" is the main character.

So back to your question: "Will this be accepted?" Well maybe yes, and maybe no. Like with any story, that depends on whom you submit it to - their personal opinions, tastes, and what they are looking for. You write the best story you can, and you keep submitting it until it gets picked up; and meanwhile you write another one and do the same, etc. The more you do this the better the odds something will be accepted.

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