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Topic : Re: How to keep a dark protagonist who wants to keep his humanity dark? My MC is in a dark line of work. He is an assassin. He is also someone with lines he does not cross. He has been duped -

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If you've ever seen the series "Transformers: Beast Wars" I highly recommend the relationship between the characters of Rattrap and Dinobot. At the start of the series, the former is a member of the Noble Maximals while the later is an evil Predicons. However, the loyalties are not static. By the end of the first story, Dinobot defects to the Maximals and a few episodes later, Rattrap switches sides as well. However, there is a distinction between the two that underlines their mutual distrust of each other (which over the series ranges from out and out hatred to just insulting each other because anything else would be cruel.). Where as Dinobot defects because he feels Megatron has dishonored their cause, and thus crossed a line, Rattrap defects because he feels it will benefit the Maximals.

Rattrap and Dinobot differ because Rattrap is a fanatic, but a fanatic for a good cause. If something can further the Maximal cause, but is morally questionable, Rattrap will not only justify it, he'll volunteer. For Dinobot, if something will further the Predicon but is morally questionable, it is better to side with the enemy than to comprimise on principals. Dinobot views Rattrap as fanatically loyal as the Predicons he just left, and thus, no better while he is a noble and honorbound warrior. Meanwhile, Rattrap views Dinobot as an oppertunisitic traitor to his kind, which is something Rattrap would only do if it meant his people would benfit in the long gun, he is the Patriot to Dinobot's spy with a convincing cover story. These dynamics are central to Dinobot's character arc, which build up to the final driving question: If Dinobot does not oppose the Predicons, his initial mission he started with in the very first episode will succeed... but he knows that such a choice has a major morally questionable price to pay.

Without spoiling, this conclusion to Dinobot's story is probably one of the darkest episodes in the Transformers franchise, let alone the Beast Wars series.

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