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Topic : Re: Is there a writing software that you can sort scenes like slides in PowerPoint? I generally use PowerPoint for outlining my scenes (prose, not script). I put a general description of what the -

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ARCHIVOS might be what you want. (Free account lets you build a world!) It allows you to create scenes, establish relationships between them. Characters (and relationships with them), plus a timeline. Lots of ways to link up info, but I don't know if it specifically links them to "scenes."

One feature I've asked for is multiple timelines in a single story setting -- so if I'm writing about the Adventures of Superman radio show, I can have an in-story timeline, and a broadcast-date timeline (for context).

So for you, 2-timelines may also allow you to have "storyline" timeline (what HAPPENS when) and "novel" timeline (when is the info presented). (I repeat, this doesn't seem to exist (yet) as a feature.)

This may work for you if scene-occurrence and scene-presentation match. Archivos is ALL about the relationships between and within people, events, locations.


First, ARCHIVOS helps Storytellers document the characters, places, and events of their stories, detailing the basic framework for the tale.

Then, Storytellers connect those story elements by defining the relationships between them that articulate not just the existence of the connection but also its nature (professional, personal, political, geographical, etc.).

The relationships in ARCHIVOS also support a hierarchy, like that of a parent to a child, or a manager to an employee. This framework will help identify and organize the structures within the story world.

As those structures become clear, Storytellers become true story architects, able to refine the and enhance the impact of their stories.

Here's info on how to create/arrange things: (scroll to "adding story elements"

You can choose from the following list to define the Type of Story Element you’re creating:
Person* – from protagonists to the smallest walk-on role
Region* – worlds, continents, countries, counties, mountain ranges, forests, etc.
Location* – towns, buildings, landmarks, ruins, etc.
Organization – governments, guilds, religions, cabals, corporations, etc.
Item – relics, artifacts, unique tools, cars, ships, etc.
Event* – battles, treaties, plagues, births, deaths, graduations, etc.
Culture– ethnicity, as well as speculative cultures (elves, dwarves, giants, aliens, etc.)
Discipline – magic, kung-fu, cloak fighting, psionics, etc.

This link has information about the relationships you can see and manipulate:

Disclosure - I became facebook friends with the guy who created this after I saw a demo at BaltiCon last year. When/if I have enough time/energy, I definitely want to play with it more. No actual connections to it, and I haven't used it in depth. Again - it's FREE to set up a single world and use all features!

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