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Topic : Re: ...and then she held the gun In the short passage I am writing, the starting point is that one character is being held at gunpoint, and the end point is that she now holds the gun, having -

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If I were writing this scene, I would put emphasis on the moment, but not describe the specifics of what happened. Make it clear that she performed an action, but leave the details of the action ambiguous. This draws attention to the moment, without the pace of the scene getting bogged down in the specifics of the motion.

The man kept the gun leveled at her head, and repeated his warning. She smirked slightly, then her years of training kicked in.
She didn't think. She moved.
The entire sequence lasted mere seconds, but when it ended, she was holding the gun against the man's temple. As the would-be killer, still reeling and unsure of what exactly had happened, slowly raised his hands above his head, her smirk widened into a full grin. The poor man hadn't realized what he was up against.

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