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Topic : I don't understand the dilemma, just write it the way you want. Ultimately if you want a strong women that embraces her femininity, you are going to put her in a dress, have her pay attention -

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I don't understand the dilemma, just write it the way you want. Ultimately if you want a strong women that embraces her femininity, you are going to put her in a dress, have her pay attention to her grooming, skin, hair, makeup, etc, all the clichés of being a girly girl.

So she needs to express her strength and heroism in other ways. That isn't difficult, the hallmarks of heroism are persistence in the face of setbacks or injuries (physical or emotional), and deciding to do what is right even if it is frightening, dangerous, or even (especially) life-threatening. Heroism is in many ways altruistic self-sacrifice, helping others no matter the cost to themselves because they adhere to a higher principle. Oddly this is particularly applicable to anti-heroes that appear selfish or callous, but the redeeming quality that makes them a hero is ultimately some form of altruistic self-sacrifice.

You can write a girly-girl, but like the anti-hero, you just have to make sure the character will have the inner steel to do whatever it takes to do the right thing. To take the risks that must be taken to get it done, even if she fears it.

Her strength doesn't have to be physical. Even for male heroes, their strength is just one tool they use to express their will. She needs that will, courage to stand up to evil even if she fears it, even if she is bound to be hurt or injured or even killed. Even if she is certain she will be defeated. Even if the consequences of standing up are unimaginable. Courage and commitment to principle and self-sacrifice for love are human traits. Ask any woman that would literally risk death to save their child's life. These traits are not exclusive to male characters.

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