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Topic : Re: A torrent of foreign terms I am writing a short story, about a particular field with multiple specific terms, none of which are in English. (Specifically, I'm writing about bullfighting, but -

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A lot of us read the Harry Potter books and yet, had only minor stumbles with JK Rowlings' wizarding language. My advice, read a few of her pieces and see how she handled the made up words. NO ONE knew what a muggle was until she wrote it. She even used Hermoine's voice to help readers with pronunciation. If you are writing a novel you have plenty of wiggle room to introduce the bull-fighting vocabulary. Similar to how Rowling introduced the readers to vocabulary through someone never exposed to magic (Harry), I would use the MC to recall his learning of the equipment and tools that are specific to your book. And as much as Brad Thor and Vince Flynn use military jargon in their books, though clunky at times, it helps when the MC is either explaining, recalling, or the main context reveals the use or definition.

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