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Topic : Re: How to write a non-fiction book? I've heard that in order to write a non-fiction book I need to write notes and then put them together to make a book, but I'm writing notes from possible -

10% popularity

It may sound odd, but for nonfiction it's typical to sell the book before writing it. The nonfiction audience buys a book based on two factors: what the topic is, and who the author is. If they have a strong enough interest in the topic --or have a need for the information surrounding it --they may buy the book no matter who the author is. If the author is a celebrity, or someone with a proven reputation, the audience might buy the book based just on the author. But the most typical buyer for a non-fiction book buys it because they have some reason to think this author will have something valuable to say about this topic.

So, what sells your non-fiction book is a combination of concept and credentials. If you have a strong enough combination of the two, and can demonstrate writing skill (and ideally, writing experience) someone will buy the book even before you write it. If you don't have that combination, you might as well not write it. Even if it's fantastically well-written, it's unlikely to sell.

So what you need to do is figure out what is the book people are looking for that you are qualified to write. For instance: A book related to your career; a book about the history of your ethnic group; a book based on your academic credentials; a book about a topic that you are an expert in; a book that supplies a need for an under-served niche audience.

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