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Topic : Re: How can I portray a character with no fear of death, without them sounding utterly bored? Imagine a fantasy hero with a 'time reset' ability like the protagonists of Groundhog Day or Edge of -

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I think you might be missing the point of Groundhog Day, and thereby missing a big opportunity.

Yes, the main character of Groundhog Day had to learn how to avoid ennui and boredom, but that was part of his character before he entered his repetitious cycle, and what ultimately led him to multiple suicide attempts.

What got him out of the suicide cycle was discovering goals that were all about passionate discovery, exploration, and improvement. Think about it this way: once that character discovered a love for piano playing, how many days do you think he had to repeat in order to build up his skills? My guess is a couple of decades worth, at least.

Your character could subsist on a joie de vivre, a love of life and its experiences. She could be a happy warrior who loves the thrill of battle, or a happy explorer who loves the discovery of new weirdnesses (think Indiana Jones), or many other variants.

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