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Topic : Re: How can I get into the mindset to write? Depending on the weather, the days events, and other factors, I find myself with a different emotion everyday when I write which I'm afraid is making -

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The first and foremost requirement for a writing mindset is the desire to tell a story, or prove your point. Without that, writing becomes sheer torture. Before writing, think on why you want to write, whom are you targeting and how will it impact readers.

The next thing to do is to start writing ....

As mentioned in some answers above, the only way to get into a writing mindset is to start writing and keep at it ... no matter what.

Writing is like exercising, programming, art ... whatever. Even if you do possess talent and imagination, you will not do good by not writing. You need to just write, write and write.

When you're writing ... it's only you and your notepad / laptop and your imagination at work. Take some time off the day, not necessarily early morning, but could be late at night or anytime when you're sure you won't be distubed. It would help if you did not have any distractions next to you (as you mentioned .... one bad phone call can alter your mood).

But don't overdo it and stretch yourself. Too much thinking might alter your writing as well and might hamper creativity. Like all things, start small and keep going as you grow in confidence.

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