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Topic : Re: Non-sense question about plot structures Suppose then you have an story in your mind. Then, to write down this finite series of events, you have to translate your imagination into the paper. -

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Every story is different (or it is just plagiarism); "plot structures" come from generalizing stories and the types of events that occur in them.

There are serious analysts that claim there are only three plot structures, and sure enough you can jam every kind of story into them. Others claim there are 12, or 21, or 32 plots.

A story and its plot is like the flesh on a skeleton. The story is not independent of the plot structure, just like my body is not independent of my skeleton. Without my skeleton, I'd be as shapeless (and dead) as a bag of liquid.

It may be that my body shape could be supported by other, very similar skeletons: My brother's skeleton; my father's (As a teen I looked like a twin of my father at the same age, in nearly every photo, it's kind of eerie to see yourself in the past like that).

The same thing for stories. If you generalize enough (lose enough detail) you can claim their are only 12 kinds of passenger cars on the road, but that doesn't make the car (=story) independent of its classification as pickup truck (=plot). It still has to do certain things and work in a certain way in order to be considered a pickup truck, and those are different than cars classified as "sports car".

The story is not independent of the plot.

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