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Topic : Re: Do publishers really need to translate between UK and US English? Is there really a need for a book to be translated from UK to US English? I'm nearing completion on my own great work, and -

10% popularity

The issue is very much cultural and largely only works in one direction. The US is an internal, isolated culture. Americans are very intolerant - everything must be specifically for them as that is their experience. The rest of the English speaking world have enjoyed a different experience.

Most media is US dominated. Those of us in the rest of the world grew up watching US TV and movies. Australian soaps: "Heighbours" and "Home and Away" were huge in the UK. We watch international sports with commentary from international pundits. As a result of this we possess a broad range of International English with an internal autocorrect that allows us not to break stride: Theatre / OR, Chicken / chook, pavement / sidewalk, attorney / solicitor, motorway / freeway . . .

It's hard to explain: It's like we have broader internal thesaurus.

Apart from the word ALUMINIUM! There are TWO occurrences the letter I not ONE . . . When Americans say it . . . . it just grates.

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