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Topic : Re: Any good side-by-side editor for script translation? I am in the process of translating a script and am constantly struggling with the side-by-side vertical scrolling of the document. Does anyone -

10% popularity

Professional editors for translators like memoq have this feature.

However, there is a good free solution as well, using vim if you are not scared of the command line.

Install a vim editor. Mac OS X has it pre-installed, for windows you need to download it for free.
Learn some vim basics (how to open a file, save, quit the editor etc), it's boring but you will not regret it.
Open the files you want by opening english.txt, then typing :vsp french.txt or just vim -O english.txt french.txt
You will see both files opened split-screen, you can switch between windows by ctrl+w and ← or ctrl+w and →
type in :set scrollbind in the english.txt file
switch to french.txt by ctrl+w and →
type in :set scrollbind in the french.txt file

Now both files are scrolled simultaneously.

You can adjust the width of the windows by ctrl + < or ctrl + >

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