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Topic : Re: How do I construct a plot out of my many setting/character details? In my creative writing, I typically am inspired by short interactions between things: An overheard conversation. A person's -

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I, honestly continuously have the same problem. I'll think of complex characters and an idea, and all the little details, but can never conjure up a real plot (especially an original plot).

Something that has helped me is to, first of all: write EVERYTHING down. all the little ideas, even if you think they are dumb, or pointless. even if you think you can easily remember it; Write. It. Down.

Second of all, I like to place these "written down" ideas into some sort of order for your story; decide which you think comes before, and which happens after. Don't worry, you don't need anything that happens in between yet, just the basic order you think they should happen (you can also change these around as necessary, drafting is NEVER permanent).

Then you take your situations one at a time, starting with the beginning (the idea you chose to happen first) and think of what would cause that. why would that happen? What would get your Character(s) to that place? Then think of how that idea would cause the next (you still don't need all the in-between's). All you do is think of a place, or a causation for every idea, even if insignificant to your story. Remember: in the end, you do not have to use all of your ideas.

Once you have layed out the order, and causation to every idea, build off of these ideas. Think "okay, if this Character does [this], and has [this] personality, a goal or conflict for this character might be ________". Your fiction story, has to have a conflict, or a goal in some way. There has to be trouble to get to the place your Character is trying to get to, or arrive at. If there is no difficulty, or no depth, there is no reason for your reader to keep reading.

Your goal as an author is to convince your reader that your book is better than any other book: convince them that it is interesting. There are many ways to go about this, many solutions and this solution will not work for everyone. But I try to help, and I never want another author to have difficulty with what I had in past years of writing.

To be blunt: Writing is HARD. But books and stories have made a major difference in this world. Without books, there would be no color, no imagination, no shape. Books are the Author expressing their imagination and showing the world that they are not just "anyone" they are creative, clever, and they are determined to make a difference in the world.

Try hard; make a difference. Your book WILL make an impact. Don't take that too lightly. Also remember, no passion, not clever, not new. So have fun.

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