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Topic : Re: I want to write a gay sex scene, the characters are both virgins, and I don't know how to do it without looking like a fool. any advice? my name is Christine. I'm writing a book, and I -

10% popularity

The most important thing is to understand why the sex scene is in your story.

Are you trying to inform the reader about the characters' emotional states? Are the things they do during the scene going to be plot relevant? Are you trying to entertain or titillate the readers?

Once you know what you are trying to accomplish, you can figure out how you will achieve those goals. Choose adjectives and descriptors that will emphasize the mood that you wish to convey, and draw attention to the aspects of the scene that are important.

And if you can't figure out what the scene is adding to your story, maybe you don't need it at all. A fade to black that cuts straight to the pillow talk is perfectly acceptable if that is where the important details of your story are.

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