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Topic : Re: How do I rewrite the following for a resume? I did a study on Network File System in the course Operating Systems. I also implemented NFS server and NFS client on Ubuntu. I also wrote a -

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As a former employer I agree that most employers don't care about reports that you might have written. You need to stress knowledge and experience in a resume. If you have no experience (that the company can use) the best you might be able to do is show knowledge in a way that someone might ask you a question in an interview.

And unless the company you are sending the resume to is using Umbuntu then they won't really care. As I recall "implementing NFS" in that environment isn't that hard so I'm not sure whether an employer would even be impressed if you do find a way to include it.

Many companies are now using software to scan through the resumes and applications they get. You need to write your resume to (hopefully) reflect the keywords that reflect the job skills the company wants. What (if anything) in your report can save the company money?

Since this is a writing forum then think of your resume as your 30 second commercial. Companies want to reduce costs and make/keep their customers (other employees) happy. If you can't think of a way to do either with your report than I would suggest you leave it out and hope that maybe you can work it into an answer to a question during the interview.

BTW, can you fix an NFS problem in the mentioned environment? Think. If you put it on a hundred systems and it goes bad on the V.P.'s desktop machine you better be able to diagnose and resolve the issue or your future boss will be filling your job...again.

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