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Topic : Re: How can I write complex and believable characters? How do I write characters that are more grounded, complex and believable so that readers can resonate with them and makes my novel more compelling? -

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Welcome to WSE, @ {Ishan2077} !
I will provide the intuition you must use for this purpose. In my opinion, there is no such way to accomplish things in novel-writing. But by noting your requirements (from your inspiration or sales-pitch), you can close in. The whole point is to narrow down the choices through intelligent analysis.
Each novel, or any literary piece for that matter, is driven by its characters.
So - it should be no surprise that the construction of characters is tied to the theme of the novel, or to be precise, its environment. Begin with an environment/setting of your choice; this will guide you to the kind of characters that populate this world. Now - if you have a more traditional setting, you can make good use of timeless classical tropes in literature, such as the 'swashbuckler' and the 'old hag' (Remember Indiana Jones and Cruela De Vil).
If you go for a more rebellious set of characters, you must intentionally flout the rules your setting poses. For example, Jane Austen's novels provide female protagonists who resent the way society suppresses their will, particularly in the choice of husbands. To do this, you must first figure out the rules.
It is helpful to maintain journals to explore your characters. You must know your character inside out: needs, requirements, emotional state, perception, and last but not the least, physical features. A good way to get more insight into character-building is by reading more books, and paying attention. Don't read for sport; read to process the characterization. And details like accents and tics go a long way in differentiating your characters. It is not necessary your character be justifiable or likeable. They must be believable.
Your next challenge after you do your homework regarding this will be putting together a story.
Good luck with that!

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