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Topic : No one cares, kid. This is a blessing and a curse. Memory fades. You can do things and very few people will remember unless you do something truly crazy or stupendous. (The public web, viz. -

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No one cares, kid. This is a blessing and a curse. Memory fades. You can do things and very few people will remember unless you do something truly crazy or stupendous. (The public web, viz. social media, on the other hand, never forgets.)
Email as many people as you can find. Nine-tenths will not reply. If they don't reply, email them again, quoting your sent messages, about three times, but up to five. Have a spine; don't reference the already-sent messages otherwise. Of the ones who reply, nine-tenths will not devote much time to writing you back. All of your action will come from one-tenth of one-tenth. If you email three people per day, that is twenty people per week, ninety per month, nine hundred per year. One-tenth of one-tenth of nine hundred is nine.
In your emails, strive to say interesting things in an interesting way. The more interesting you are, the greater "engagement" you will get. Greater engagement means more responses, of greater length, an indication that a) you are emailing the right people, and b) your writing is compelling.
If you are truly unnoticed, demand attention. Become more flamboyant — perhaps, at first, embarrassingly so. Some people are impossible to ignore. You want to be one of those people.
Someone who mocks you is, whether they know it or not, testing your commitment to your endeavors. How badly do you want the thing? How great is your resolve? No one will mock you for being unwaveringly dedicated to something unless the thing itself is truly moronic.
Authority will tell you kinds of things that may or may not be true. Listen attentively, nod politely, smirk knowingly, and do whatever you were going to do anyway.
Finish the books. Whether you should publish them is another story. Consult your quorum of nine.

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