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Topic : Re: Can I use two different types of Punctuation at the end of the same sentence? I've finally started writing my romance novel. There's a scene in the novel where the girl (Luna) is sneaking -

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Question mark + exclamation mark is a relatively common combination of punctuation marks, although usually it is written with the question mark first "?!" There is even a proposed new merged punctuation mark covering this. It's called the "interrobang," and you can find it in some fonts (although I've never actually seen it used "in the wild").
You should be aware that it's considered relatively informal and slangy. You see it frequently, for instance, in comic books. It's rare in serious literature, or academic writing, where even unadorned exclamation marks are used only sparingly. I doubt it would be considered out of place, however, in a romance novel, or any other work of mass-market fiction.

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