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Topic : Re: How to restart a novel(la)? I've got a novel(la) of 33,000+ (130 or so manuscript pages) words that I would like to build up to 60,000 or so words - but I'm having trouble restarting the -

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The question is, why do you want to add the extra words? If it's a complete story, then IMHO the only reason you should be adding to it is because you feel that it's still lacking in certain elements, not because you want to reach a certain word count.

Perhaps it's a character who you feel needs more fleshing out because they play an important role later. Pick one, then see what elements of their personality you'd like to explore further. For example, if you have a main love interest who feels flat and generic, think about other interests or activities he/she can be involved in that will affect his/her relationship with the protagonist.

Linked to that, maybe there's a particular story thread that feels rushed and could be strung out to increase the tension. Consider who else can be thrown into the mix to complicate things, or maybe additional scenes that provide exposition to the key scenes and get the reader more emotionally involved.

If you're halfway through and the story is unfinished, consider what other conflicts you can throw at the characters. Don't go throwing everything but the kitchen sink at them, but consider what conflicts will make your ending that much sweeter when the reader finally gets there. I think this has been said many times, but if you're stalled for ideas, add more problems and see what the fallout is from that. Or throw in a new, out-there character and see how the others react. You may not use the additional conflicts or characters, but they're good for getting ideas going again and reconnecting with your world.

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