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Topic : Re: Is it better to have a deadline? A lot of writers I admire say: "I didn't know how long the story would be." Me too, I'm the kind of writer who don't know where (and when) the story is -

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If a deadline forces you to finish something, and make you finish something more often, it will lead to better quality of your writing. Perhaps not on the text you are currently writing, but it will improve your skill over time.

A teacher in a pottery class once divided the class in two. He told the first half that they would get a grade based on the quality of one vase. The other half would receive a grade based on the number of vases they produced.

Who do you think made the vases of highest quality in the end? The half that produced many.

The same principle applies to writing. If you write one book each year for ten years, the results at the end will probably better than if you focus on one book for ten years.

If a deadline forces you to produce more often (but perhaps of lesser quality in the beginning), it will lead to better quality over time.

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