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Topic : Re: If I am writing in the first person can I have the MC relive a scene as an observer and write it in the third person? Can I relive a scene in the third person if I am writing in the -

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You can do that. You'll need to separate the relived scene typographically, perhaps by placing it in italics and possibly by setting it off with line breaks from the rest of the text. If a lengthy scene, perhaps it will be its own chapter with the place/time indicated in bold beneath the chapter's heading.

At the same time, I'd urge against shifting the point of view. Jumping around is confusing to readers. It also creates a number of plotting issues for you that causes the reader to feel cheated...after all, if you break the point of view for one scene by telling it in first person from one character's perspective, why not tell another scene from another character's first person perspective? Often writers break the point of view to resolve plotting issues by revealing information about a character so that her motivations are better understood because the current point of view they're using doesn't satisfactorily reveal them. In such cases, ask yourself if you would not be better to tell the entire story from the point of view you switched to for that one scene.

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