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Topic : Re: If I am writing in the first person can I have the MC relive a scene as an observer and write it in the third person? Can I relive a scene in the third person if I am writing in the -

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Yes, it will mess with the flow. Yes, you can do it. If you want an introspection, the protagonist just reliving it alone, you'll be better off shifting the tense, e.g. writing the scene in present tense. OTOH, you can get away with switching the perspective very neatly if you bracket the retrospection within the main story right.

Have the protagonist tell it to someone. Have her write that down as an entry in a diary, or as a letter never meant to be sent. Simply instead of shifting directly into that person's mind, following direct thoughts, have them become the active third-person narrator telling the story in a frame where this shift is obvious and fully justified, a story-within-story. That way you are not disrupting the current perspective, just setting it on the back burner while the new story is being told from the new perspective embedded in the story above.

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