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Topic : Re: What is the best way to use your favorite authors as inspiration without plagiarism? I am a big fan of certain authors' writing styles and stories and I am convinced that when I sit down -

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Consider that the theme in author A's book that is inspiring you was almost certainly found by author A in author B's work and inspired them, and so on. What's important is that you find a unique and original way to weave a story around that theme. For instance:

Humble, unremarkable individual finds, quite by accident, some
supremely important object that draws the individual unwittingly into
a huge conflict between a small but hopeful force and a dark, menacing
foe. Individual, along with their accumulated companions, must
transport the important object into the stronghold of the foe with the
ultimate goal of using the object to defeat the foe and end the

What did I just describe? Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings? The same elements and themes can be brought together in a thousand different ways and still be original works.

Which is all a rather long-winded way of saying, "Find the core elements of the idea that inspire you, divorced from the trappings of the original work's worldbuilding, and build your original work from those building blocks."

UPDATE: I don't yet have the rep to add comments, but I want to respond to the answer below from what. I am in no way suggesting that you intentionally scour external sources for inspiration as what appears to be implying. The primary question was not "where can I find inspiration for my writing". As writers, we know that one of the most important things we can do is read. It is inevitable that during the course of that reading, we will hit upon things that will spark ideas in our minds. The OP was asking what was the best way to expound upon those ideas without plagiarism. And for that, my answer of "distill the inspiration down to its barest form and then refashion it using your own ideas/experience/worldbuilding" is still appropriate.

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