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Topic : Re: Changing a story's title to hint at story's meaning I wrote a short story here whose ending explains everything that is narrated before. The feedback -

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There's a fine balance between writing for the writer and writing for the reader. On one hand, you shouldn't condescend to readers, and not everybody is part of your audience, and so not everybody needs to "get" the story; on the other, you do generally want your intent to come through. The balance is different for every story.

So that's a non-answer. But in this specific case, I don't think the title needs to nudge anyone anywhere. I think you're just fine. I actually like "Mirrors" much better than "Psychomanteum"; the second just means nothing to me. Obscure words aren't bad, and again, you shouldn't condescend to people like me, but I'd bet that a large percentage of your readership would find that it is not meaningful to them at first glance.

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