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Topic : Preventing units from being "broken" to the next line I'm having trouble with keeping "units" on the same line, or together. For example, g C m-2 (grams of carbon per square meter) often gets -

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I'm having trouble with keeping "units" on the same line, or together. For example, g C m-2 (grams of carbon per square meter) often gets broken between the "-" and "2". I realize it's possible to use non-breaking spaces, but this doesn't help in this situation because there aren't spaces between "-" and "2". Any ideas?

I'm using Microsoft Word 2007 on a PC (and mac).
Apologies if this is not an appropriate question for this site.

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I believe you need a nonbreaking hyphen. It'll keep the characters before and after it from breaking across lines. From Butterick's Practical Typography:

Your word proces­sor as­sumes that any hy­phen marks a safe place to flow the text onto a new line or page. Sim­i­lar to the non­break­ing space, the non­break­ing hy­phen looks iden­ti­cal to a hy­phen but will not be used as a place for a line break or page break.

In Word 2007 for Windows, Press CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN. On Word for Mac 2010, press command-shift-dash or Insert > Symbol > Advanced Symbol.

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