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Topic : Re: How could a criminal forget a crime? I'm toying with a scenario however it's crucial to the plot that the murder doesn't know they're guilty and has to work with their friends to try and -

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Sleepwalking, as many have mentioned, is one way to pull this off. I also don't see why a night of heavy drinking is out of the question. So they woke up with a heavy hangover and their shoes missing (or something) one morning--so what? Especially if the character has a history of heavy drinking, this won't seem out of the ordinary.

But there's another option: what if they do remember everything about the crime, but don't realize its significance until later? In other words, the murder was a complete accident. Perhaps the victim died in a fire, and your character only realizes much later that the fire was started by a cigarette they forgot to put out. Like any detective story, the chain of events here can be as simple or as complex as you like, and it could give you plenty of opportunities to throw out hints and red herrings along the way. Plus, it requires no supernatural elements, drugs, amnesia, sleepwalking, split personalities, or other unusual elements--just simple carelessness or ignorance.

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