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Topic : Re: Writing and Formatting and Tips on Poetry As a person trying to write poetry, I always have a problem trying to get subject material(especially for the past six months) and formatting it, or -

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Since I am (co)author of one self-published poem issue called Havran Blije (Raven vomits in English), I will describe you the creative process behind it:

1. Being disgusted: So many new poem authors do not care about rythm or rhyme. They just "vomit" whatever feeling they have on the paper and thats it

2. Being in community which poems. A lot And they exactly post poems in form of free verse which is just the random thoughts they have:

Its sunny down in the park

I have good feelings from it

Found chesnut, lying on the ground

And there is vomitting raven

3. Idea! What if. What if people, who care about the true poems gathered together and output together something, what cares about rhyme, form and the whole structure of poems?

4. Even stupider idea: What if we show this on poems which are not "deep" in any sense of the word, but its still perfected in matter of form?

5. Even stupider idea: Wow, one of the grup member can draw!

6. Gather around and have fun about the stupid ideas we just had

7. Write them down and perfect the poems, so that they have correct form. We have haiku in correct form, We have one poem in iambic pentameter (which is totally hardcore to do in Czech language) and many more.

8. Publish ta-da!

Hope it answers the question

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