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Topic : Re: Why can't I write something longer than a few pages? I write short stories, a lot of short-shorts. I would say the longest thing I've actually finished writing is "Lord of Snakes", which was -

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You have to keep going even when it's not pleasant. Also, consider that you need to be very excited about an idea to write 100 pages about it.

My first book, I was so excited I wrote 120,000 words. It was first time I 'saw' the whole book before it was done. Since I saw it, I knew that it only needed to be written.

Before that I never had any ideas I felt were worth turning into a book.

One mistake beginning authors make: they start with fiction. Fiction is incredibly difficult!

Writing about your life is a time-tested way to kick out your first novel. Fiction is writing about your life in a different, metaphorical way.

The next time you finish one of your 3 page stories, don't tell yourself it's done. Tell yourself you finished chapter 1. If you can't think of chapter 2 then maybe it's not meant to be.

Just write. Give up the controls. Write 20 pages of garbage. This is what has to happen. You're excavating, discovering, remembering, building up a repertoire.

Also CONFIDENCE is huge. The only reason I wrote my second book was because an acquaintance I hadn't seen or heard from in 5 years sent me a message about it. That message gave me the confidence to flesh out the whole story.

If one person believes you are outstanding, there are probably others.

Ask friends or acquaintances to read your stuff. Try to blow their socks off. But beware that friends and family have a tendency to tell you everything is just great. Find a hard critic. A tough nut to crack. Win them over.

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