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Topic : Re: In what parts of a newspaper/magazine one could get an article published? If you have an article and you want to get it published in newspapers or magazines, what are the parts you could do -

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Traditionally, the place for a non-journalist who is not hired by a magazine or newspaper to be published in that publication is the "Letters to the Editor" department. This is an open-to-all-comers features, which runs submissions without payment and expressly without the endorsement of the paper.

These are usually informal, amateur epistles, but occasionally you'll see a letter published that reads like a brief essay or article, sometimes by a well-known person. The selection process is entirely at the whim of the editor of the feature, but it's often used as a place to give voice to complaints or to opinions that contradict the official positions of the newspaper.

If money is no barrier, your other option is an advertorial. This is an editorial article presented in space that has been purchased at advertising rates (which are typically very very high). It will be clearly marked as "ADVERTISEMENT" and no endorsement of any sort by the publication will be implied.

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