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Topic : Re: What defines a Fairy Tale versus typical Fantasy? My second-grader has been asked to write a "fairy tale." We are both clueless about what makes a story a "fairy tale" different from a fantasy -

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In this specific case, I'd be very surprised if your child's teacher expected you to define it narrowly. Any fantasy story would probably be acceptable.

In general, however, a fairy tale is a short story with archetypal characters and plotlines. According to wikipedia the characters and settings are usually drawn from European folklore, however, there are similar kinds of stories from all around the world. The stories nearly always include some element of magic (spells, wishes), fantasy (little people, fairies, talking animals) or the supernatural (fate, prophetic dreams, genies), but there are stories which arguably fall in the category that don't (usually stories about tricksters or heroes of extraordinary cleverness). Fairy tales often seem to have deeper psychological meaning.

A typical fairy tale plot has a hero/heroine who is the youngest child, and who is abused, neglected, or considered worthless (or who is under a spell or curse). The hero will get supernatural aid (sometimes because of personal merit, sometimes not) to overcome a series of challenges, and will finish the story by becoming king or queen.

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