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Topic : Re: How to describe people from the 'eyes' of a blind person? I am currently working on a fantasy novel that is set in medieval times. I created my world, started to write, and then bumped into -

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One thing you might try: To give the reader a clue about how the MC distinguishes individuals, have the MC confuse two people.

Think of when you see someone, and for a moment you think they are someone else....what is that?

Some signature movement as they step off a train; maybe a way of holding their body, an item of clothing they might have worn.

So for your MC, maybe it would be a scent of the place where they first met the person, or maybe there is some other sense that humans don't have...what piece of history does this sensation evoke for the MC?

Dogs actually can't see all that well, and they recognize by smell and sound long before they can distinguish a person by sight. Think of the way they freeze into that moment of's as if their whole world pauses for a moment; a trigger is tripped, messages flower and howl across their doggy grey matter down their spine to tail.

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