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Topic : Exposition: "As all members of the scientific community know," Dr. Bigpipe said clenching his big pipe between his teeth. "The F'zargh of Multath V has a unique means of camouflage. -

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"As all members of the scientific community know," Dr. Bigpipe said clenching his big pipe between his teeth. "The F'zargh of Multath V has a unique means of camouflage. It is able to assume the shape of small household items and then, surreptitiously worm its mind control tendrils into the basal ganglia and from there it's Goodnight Vienna!"

Audience: snore

"As all members of the scientific community know," Dr. Bigpipe said clenching his big pipe between his teeth. "The F'Zargh..."
Bigpipe faltered to a stop, his skin suddenly pale, his eyes glazed. The pipe clenched between his purpling lips suddenly shivered and squeaked, it seemed to suck inwards invading the doughty professor's mouth.
"Well, well," a strange slithering voice emerged from between Bigpipe's lips. His face had taken on a menacing cast, an inhuman sneer played at the corner of his mouth. "Looks like you chumps are about to get a lesson in F'zargh pathology 101, straight from the parasite's tendrils, so to speak."
The transformed professor of xenobiology, leaped towards them snarling, teeth bared. The crew of the Starship Redoubtable had no choice but to draw their flaz-gaz heat pistols and join in battle with their friend and mentor.

Audience: paid for whole seat, only needed edge
EDIT: So, in case I'm not being clear enough, you could explain someone's back story by just telling people what it is but it's better for the back story to come out through action. SF has a real problem with people constantly explaining stuff so the "Exposition/Ammunition" thing is easier to explain with an SF example. It basically means show excitingly instead of explaining dully.

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