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Topic : Re: For publishing negotations I would like to know what a publishing company makes in profit? I did a little research but blogs are never enough. I would like expert advice or even sample contracts -

10% popularity

Never had a paid for publishing offer but I think the negotiation is pretty straightforward and can be done ... and is best done ... without an Agent. If you think you have a best seller on your hands then you would want part of the sales...if this is your first time start "big"(15%) and aim small (no lower than 10%.) Also take a look at the publishing house...have they ever produced a best seller? Talk to another Publisher when you're not satisfied...and you will not see if you can get a better producer.

Be sure they have a good editor on the payroll.

I would not agree to any follow on material unless you've already written it.

Always take any money offered up front...even if it's 500 bucks.

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