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Topic : Re: Is it worth switching to Dvorak? I've occasionally thought about trying the Dvorak keyboard layout to improve my writing speed. However, I wonder if the speed gain is really worth the initial -

10% popularity

The superiority of Dvorak keyboards has been largely reputiated in the last 20 years. The old original study was flawed in that Dvorak experts were self-selected and motivated to learn and practice, and it was promotional material not peer reviewed study.

A “modern” keyboard is ergonomic in terms of finger strength and motion range, and doesn’t have the same issues as pre-electric keyboards.

You can get the same benefit by getting a high-quality conventional keyboard with switches that have the desired mechanical feedback and don’t wiggle (not a flat laptop-style keyboard); and practice and drill your typing as if you were a beginner again.

It’s best if you can’t see the keys at all. Either make an open-sided box to cover it, or go for the Das Keyboard unmarked keys like I did.

Using a typing tutor program that identifies your weak points and adjusts to practice that more, you will bet as fast as you can be. This is the real thing that makes the difference. You can do that with a conventional layout and don’t have to use a different layout to “learn again”.

It’s the practice and motivation that makes the improvement, not the different layout.

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