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Topic : Re: Reusing a scene in epilogue and future chapters I'm writing a fantasy which stretches over two volumes. At the end of the first book, a complex plot comes to a conclusion with a war but it -

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Indeed there is a third option, and a fourth, and a fifth and infinite options. First and foremost . . . when a reader sees the words 'prologue' or 'epilogue' what they actually read is 'optional'. Most people wouldn't recognise a Star Wars prologue if their lives depended on it.

Probably the most important aspect of writing is POV, It is the most powerful tool. The Achilles heal of most fantasy writers is their ego, and their desire to tell the story.

When you multiple volumes you are tasked with satisfying two sets of readers; those who have read previous volumes and are up to speed, and 'new' readers. It is a prerequisite that each volume must stand alone. If you attempt to 'recap' to bring new reader into the know you run the risk of boring existing readers shit-less.

The easy solution is to change POV or get a character to recap (traditionally the prologue is spoken by a fringe character). Additionally, a recap by a third party may differ from the original view. People see things differently.

I don't know your story.

The Prince has been injured in battle. The villain has taken the princess. Maybe we open with princess's maid praying by the the prince's bedside.

"My Lord, you cannot hear my words so I have occasion to speak to beyond my station. I was your mother's chambermaid when I first occasioned you. 16-years-old you were to be wed the daughter of Xerxes. You said no. When your father banished you - you fought him. When the Pyroclons sought to enslave our people you stood up, you said no - you fought them. And when Earl of Pendragon came to take your betrothed as his own, claiming it would unify the Kingdoms - you fought him. Master, I beg of you - rise and fight again. Rise and fight - fight for your Kingdom, avenge the slaying of your father, fight for the return of your princess. I say this . . . even if her return would crush a peasant girl's last hope. Better you live with her than leave me to grieve alone."

God that was awful!!

What I've tried to do is recap what has happened before (for the new readers) combined with a shocking revelation ( for the existing readers) - the maid is in love with prince.

Does that work for you?

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