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Topic : Finding beta-readers for science | religion non-fiction My question is similar to one asked previously. I'm writing non-fiction, topics on the intersection between science and religion--quantum -

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My question is similar to one asked previously. I'm writing non-fiction, topics on the intersection between science and religion--quantum mechanics, cosmology, evolution. I've published ebooks on these (with minimal sales). The problem is to write about the science so it's understandable to someone who has a typical American education. And for that I need beta readers, but can't seem to find them. Any suggestions?

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Getting eyeballs on the manuscript is a good way to reality-check what you've written. I can think of a couple of options:

One strategy is to try posting on discussion boards where fans of science and religion hang out, trying to find test readers that way. Your best bet is to participate in the community before doing this.

Another option is to look for an editorial read-through, as Lauren has suggested. This would involve paying a read fee to an established editor.

You could also combine these approaches - a read-through by a pro editor would be a great way to put the finishing touches on a beta-read manuscript.

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